Make Your Cleaning Count !

Imagine A Way

EVERY child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. And that is just as true for a child with autism as it is true for all other children.
Research has shown that the earlier a child with autism receives comprehensive, consistent therapies… the greater chance that child has for success.
Imagine A Way empowers parents by ensuring that financial limitations will not restrict their child’s ability to receive the therapies proven to give the greatest opportunity for success. Imagine A Way is an Austin-based charity, touching individual families… but with an impact strong enough to transform lives and the communities in which they live. Austin is a compassionate, generous community. We are dedicated to helping families impacted with autism.
Texas Professional Clean Team owners, Grandson's Jackson & Carter are handsome, smart, fun, loving & playful boys. They also have Autism. The Goodin's are proud to offer you the choice of supporting this amazing organization

We believe strongly in giving back to our community and helping where we can. The verse, Hebrews 13:16 "And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased," is a core principal that we personally try hard to follow. We have chosen 2 charities that are very close to our families heart for you to choose from. A donation from each cleaning service will be made to the charity of your choice.

Breast Cancer Resource Center

The Breast Cancer Resource Center is a place to ask your questions, explore your options, and connect with a diverse community of survivors, lifers, and thrivers who can relate in a way no one else can. For more than 20 years, the women of BCRC have been dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of those touched by breast cancer.
Through generous community support, all programs and services are offered free of charge to anyone affected by breast cancer regardless of income, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation, or social support. BCRC strives to embody understanding, preserve dignity, and always see the woman as well as the disease. We believe no one should face breast cancer alone.
Texas Professional Clean Team owner, Diana Hurley-Goodin was diagnosed in July 2011 with aggressive Breast Cancer. Through her double mastectomy and chemo treatments she learned first hand how important the BCRC is. It's a friend, trusted information and remarkable support. The BCRC is also extremely good at getting the funds raised directly to those in need. The Goodins are proud to offer you the choice of supporting this amazing organization